$BIDEN is a unique community-driven cryptocurrency project inspired by the leadership and vision of our founding president. This token is designed to bring together a community of enthusiasts who believe in the principles of governance, transparency, and collective prosperity.
Buying $BIDEN is as simple as 1, 2, 3. Follow these steps below
Download and install a cryptocurrency wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
Purchase Ethereum (ETH) from a reputable exchange (e.g., Coinbase, Binance, Kraken) and transfer it to your wallet.
Open your wallet and connect it to a decentralized exchange like Uniswap.
In the "To" field, enter the $PRESIDENT contract address. You can find the official contract address on our website or social media channels.
Enter the amount of ETH you wish to swap for $PRESIDENT tokens.
Review the transaction details, including gas fees, and confirm the swap..
Wait for the transaction to be processed. You can check the status on a blockchain explorer like Etherscan..
Once the transaction is complete, you can view your $PRESIDENT tokens in your wallet under the "Assets" or "Tokens" tab.
81,000,000,000 $BIDEN
0% (No Buy Taxes)
0% (No Sell Taxes)
LP Burned
$BIDEN is a unique community-driven cryptocurrency project inspired by the leadership and vision of our founding president. This token is designed to bring together a community of enthusiasts who believe in the principles of governance, transparency, and collective prosperity.
You can buy $BIDEN by following the steps outlined in the "How To Buy" section above.
$BIDEN is a decentralized cryptocurrency that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. While there are risks associated with any investment, we take security seriously and have implemented measures to protect our community and token holders.
You can get involved with the $BIDEN community by joining our social media channels, participating in governance votes, and contributing to the development of the project.